The Downward and Upward Spiral

SpiralIf the world is in a downward spiral are you content to be one of the people in it?
Are you constantly looking at your life and seeing what is wrong with it?  Are you constantly trying to ‘fix’ you life or imagining when and how your life would/could be better?  Better than what?  What can’t you accept that is in your life RIGHT NOW.  Is the basis behind what you are thinking – I will be happy when my finances, relationship, job, home life, isn’t the way it is right now?
If this is what you are thinking, you are connected to global consciousness and in that downward spiral.
In this world of opposites there is an equal and opposite force – The UPWARD SPIRAL.  What would it take for you to be in that?
The answer is AWARENESS. It will take you to a world of Peace, Love, Joy, Grace and Wisdom.

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