What are YOU adding to the world?

What are you thinking right now?  Are you adding anxiety, stress, frustration, overwhelm or anger.  The world has plenty of these emotions already.   What emotions are you feeling?  Is it overwhelm or simply thinking that you don’t like your life at the moment.  Hang on, you are the creator of it.  Nobody else did this even though you might like to blame someone for your present situation,  perhaps it is time you took responsibility for your creation.   Just look at your mind and notice what you are thinking right now, because with each thought, you are setting the … Read More…

Wisdom from the Other Side

My friend, Anna, who had died with breast cancer came through several months after her death and corrected me, as I had always said that it was the angry thoughts that fed cancer but she said: “Rosemary, it is not the thoughts or words, that create cancer, it is the sound of the words in your body.” Thank you Anna for this new important understanding.  Of course, it is a creation of sound.