What are YOU adding to the world?

What are you thinking right now?  Are you adding anxiety, stress, frustration, overwhelm or anger.  The world has plenty of these emotions already.   What emotions are you feeling?  Is it overwhelm or simply thinking that you don’t like your life at the moment.  Hang on, you are the creator of it.  Nobody else did this even though you might like to blame someone for your present situation,  perhaps it is time you took responsibility for your creation.   Just look at your mind and notice what you are thinking right now, because with each thought, you are setting the … Read More…

A Realisation

Pegs on clothesline

I had just finished a phone reading for a client.  During the reading I had a remarkable understanding come to me.  I will endeavour to put it into words. I was sharing with my client a ‘present moment’ experience that I had when I was present hanging out the washing.  I told her that I heard a peg going into the cloth of the garment I was pegging.  I heard it clearly with no other thoughts going on in my head to separate me.  My realisation was now that I valued that moment.  It was precious to me.  Why?  I … Read More…

Take Your Power Back

Another Message from Mary Take your power back from your thoughts.  Your thought only exists because you have given your consciousness to it.  Take it back and you will notice how much better, even younger you feel. I had the experience recently whilst driving that I was repeating a thought and realised it was draining my energy.  So I practised the exercise I had been given and on calling my power back I felt a wave of energy come back to me.  I felt energised and renewed and the thought was gone. Look at what you are thinking right now, and say: … Read More…

Have You Heard The Call?

If, as Mother Mary says, the Light must outweigh the Dark in 2017, it is up to each one of us to make a choice.  If we were to unite, collectively, around the world, we would make a huge Light.  Enough to change the consciousness of the planet.  Our first thought would be for the good of everyone and everything in the Universe.   We can begin by taking our power back from what we have been thinking about all the years.  Our self, our small self, is usually the subject. What we want the world around us to look like … Read More…

Are Your Thoughts Making You Old?

angel thinking

Thoughts have substance and can be very weighty.  It is the weight of them that weighs us down at times, let alone asking the body to eliminate the adrenalin and cortisol they produce.  They use our very consciousness and our energy, leaving us tired and drained.  Our cells get depleted of Light and water and this is a very big part of the aging process….Rosemary Butterworth, author of How to Stop Thinking,Leave Your Thoughts Behind. 

Raise Your Frequency

Raise Your Frequency

‘It has been said that the consciousness that a problem was created in cannot find the solution/answer,  It follows, therefore, that the consciousness (frequency) that an illness was created in is unable to heal that illness.  The frequency must be higher’. I had a lady come to see me for a healing session.  She was in pain from her hip and it hurt her to walk. No amount of treatment from chiropractors or physios had been able to reduce the pain or heal it.  During her session, I put my hands on her hip and was ‘told’ that her body’s frequency needed to … Read More…