A New Understanding

I heard a spiritual teacher/healer make a comment on how people aren’t practising meditation and mindfulness regularly to make a significant change in their lives.  In agreeing I realised that we were taught in school to learn.  When we had learnt something there was no need to practice it. When the mind has learnt something new, it stores it in the left hemisphere of the brain for future reference.  It can then retrieve the knowledge when asked for.  It has learnt it therefore it knows!  This has been the way we educated ourselves for centuries. But learning about energy is … Read More…

Re-Imagine Yourself

If you wake up feeling tired, anxious or confused try this simple exercise for a few minutes.  Close your eyes and imagine you are a tree and that you are going to transplant yourself.  Dig a hole in a lush part of the forest, a place that is serene and healing.  Make it a fairly large hole and carefully step into it.  Imagine roots coming out of the feet going deep down into the soft brown earth.   Gently pack the earth around your feet, wriggling your toes as you do this, feeling the comfort and love of Mother Earth protecting … Read More…

Take Your Power Back

Another Message from Mary Take your power back from your thoughts.  Your thought only exists because you have given your consciousness to it.  Take it back and you will notice how much better, even younger you feel. I had the experience recently whilst driving that I was repeating a thought and realised it was draining my energy.  So I practised the exercise I had been given and on calling my power back I felt a wave of energy come back to me.  I felt energised and renewed and the thought was gone. Look at what you are thinking right now, and say: … Read More…

Surprising News from Nancy Valentine Smith


At the Academy of Light Meeting on the 25th July, 2016, Nancy surprised us all. She told us to stop wearing our crystals that made it obvious that we were spiritual.  She said that the Earth is releasing energies that have been locked inside her since 1926 – all doorways are now open – so there are all sorts of energies flying around, perhaps looking for the Light and we could pick them up.  So, if we don’t want to spend each day clearing our energies, then we should go about minding our own business, and if going shopping for … Read More…

A Lesson Learnt

mandala-Sylvia Anshara

Easter is a time of renewal, rebirth and new life, so take this time to set intentions and invigorate your direction in life.  Notice when you fail to find time to meditate, notice if you are trying to fit your spiritual disciplines into your life instead of fitting your life into your spiritual disciplines.  Notice when you have ceased practicing or using some of your tools that were so important to you when you learnt them but now lie forgotten in your memory. I would like to share with you a recent time when I forgot to use important tools … Read More…