It’s A New Day!


 Each morning you wake up to a new day, not a day left over from yesterday.  A new day has begun – it is such a gift! Treat it as if you have just arrived from another planet and everythng is fresh.  See your room for the first time, experience a shower as if you haven’t had one before and feel the delight of the water on your skin.  Taste each mouthful of food as you eat your breakfast without letting thoughts about the day entering your head and very importantly see your partner as though you are just meeting … Read More…

The Gift In Being Present

Washing on the line

I have just finished a phone reading for a client. During the reading I had a remarkable understanding come to me. I will endeavour to put it into words. I was sharing with my client a ‘present moment’ experience that I had when I was present hanging out the washing. I told her that I heard a peg going into the cloth of the garment I was pegging. I heard it clearly with no other thoughts going on in my head to separate me. My realisation was now that I valued that moment. It was precious to me. Why? I … Read More…