In Truth There Is Only ONE

I AM spiral

Shakespeare said “All the world is a stage and the men and women are merely players.” Anand Giriji said when he spoke in Australia that all the conflict in the world comes from ‘Me and Mine’. It’s time to let go the separateness of Me and Mine and become ONE. In truth there is only ONE. Maybe it’s time for us to realise the following. Now is the time to get off the stage and stop wanting to be the hero or heroine in our daily dramas. It is time to realise it is not all about US! This is … Read More…


While showering last night something was playing on my mind and I felt anxious and confused.  I didn’t even noticed the delicious water that was showering down.  Suddenly I heard, in my mind, three words.  They sounded as if they were being shouted into my subconscious.  The words were “Be Here Now”.  The effect was amazing.  I literally stopped thinking and awoke to my surroundings.  I felt the warming, soothing sensation of the water as it hit my back and felt the soap in my hand.  Everything became very still and peace flooded my whole body. In a flash I … Read More…