A Realisation

Pegs on clothesline

I had just finished a phone reading for a client.  During the reading I had a remarkable understanding come to me.  I will endeavour to put it into words. I was sharing with my client a ‘present moment’ experience that I had when I was present hanging out the washing.  I told her that I heard a peg going into the cloth of the garment I was pegging.  I heard it clearly with no other thoughts going on in my head to separate me.  My realisation was now that I valued that moment.  It was precious to me.  Why?  I … Read More…

Practising Being Present


I had been practising “being present”, quite intensively and seriously.  It required full focus on whatever you were doing with expanded awareness.  It was not concentration to the exclusion of everything else – it was rather attention fixed on the subject while the mind was aware of all that was going on around you. The practise soon showed me that my mind never stayed with the work in hand but rather danced off in another direction.  So while my body was performing one task, I noticed that the thoughts going on in my head were about something quite different.  Further … Read More…

The Downward and Upward Spiral


If the world is in a downward spiral are you content to be one of the people in it? Are you constantly looking at your life and seeing what is wrong with it?  Are you constantly trying to ‘fix’ you life or imagining when and how your life would/could be better?  Better than what?  What can’t you accept that is in your life RIGHT NOW.  Is the basis behind what you are thinking – I will be happy when my finances, relationship, job, home life, isn’t the way it is right now? If this is what you are thinking, you … Read More…

The Gift In Being Present

Washing on the line

I have just finished a phone reading for a client. During the reading I had a remarkable understanding come to me. I will endeavour to put it into words. I was sharing with my client a ‘present moment’ experience that I had when I was present hanging out the washing. I told her that I heard a peg going into the cloth of the garment I was pegging. I heard it clearly with no other thoughts going on in my head to separate me. My realisation was now that I valued that moment. It was precious to me. Why? I … Read More…