Reflect on This

Our physical body is a miraculous creation. When we came here to do our mission we were given a vehicle that would support this.  It can walk us in the ‘right’ direction and take on the ‘burden’ that we need to carry during this lifetime.  It has been designed not only to renew cells but to heal itself and above all else, transmute lower frequencies into Light when necessary so we can continue our service.  The mind can prevent us from doing our service/mission by keeping us in fear, survival, greed and judgement.  These very low frequencies cause illness and … Read More…

Practice Is The Key


From childhood we have been trained that knowledge is to be found in books. One only has to read something, memorize it and then one knows it. If I gave you papers/books to read all about oranges, would you know what it actually tasted like? Would you know what it was like to eat one? Would your body get the benefit of the vitamin C? Book learning can teach you facts, but wisdom is only gained through experience. As a meditation teacher, counsellor, and author of How to Move Forward – Leave Your Thoughts Behind, I have come to realise … Read More…