What are YOU adding to the world?

What are you thinking right now?  Are you adding anxiety, stress, frustration, overwhelm or anger.  The world has plenty of these emotions already.   What emotions are you feeling?  Is it overwhelm or simply thinking that you don’t like your life at the moment.  Hang on, you are the creator of it.  Nobody else did this even though you might like to blame someone for your present situation,  perhaps it is time you took responsibility for your creation.   Just look at your mind and notice what you are thinking right now, because with each thought, you are setting the … Read More…

Increasing Our Light

We need to call our power back,  We are amazing beings of Light and imagine increasing the Power of our Light when we become whole.  Living so many lifetimes, experiencing so many challenges, we often leave part of ourself back in that time and maybe even in another dimension.  So Mother Mary gave me the understanding that now it is time to increase our Light by calling back to the here and Now, all of ourselves.    Each day, se send our consciousness to work, to home, to our children, whatever if fact, that the mind thinks of, our consciousness goes.  … Read More…

Intention For 2016

Group Energy

 When in a group meditation – intend that the group clear the blockage/sentence, etc. from Universal Consciousness, not just for ourselves alone.State: “Through the Grace of God, across all time, space and planes of existence may this clearing of  … … … … be removed from this body and Universal Consciousness. So Be It.  It is done, It is done, It is done.”

Beam Me Up Scotty!

 When my guides gave me the “I Am The Light Meditation” in which I guide you to go up to a Star and bring down the Light from that Star and let it fall all over you like a waterfall of Light, I had no idea of why I was guided to do that.  It seems that, although I realized that the Light had the power to wash away old patterns of behaviour, beliefs and stories of the past, I hadn’t realized the true, full value of standing in that Light, it seems that while we are under it we … Read More…

An Angel Meditation

At the moment, the Angels are asking me to write this meditation: “For all those whose lives are getting too hard to bear – upon rising each morning put aside a few minutes of the day to be with them. Light a blue candle to connect with Archangel Michael’s blue Angels, green for Gabriel, yellow for Uriel and red for Raphael. (White is fine because it contains all colours). Have beside the candle, a fresh flower (this helps to lift the vibrations of the room). Sit in front of your candle and ask Archangel Michael to fill the room with … Read More…