How Big Is Your World?

In a moment of awaking Rupert Spira realised his Awareness was who he is.  What a moment!  He says he spent the next couple of days just looking, gazing at everything knowing that what he was seeing was his own awareness. Let us pause for a moment and take in what we are aware of in this or any moment.  Are we aware of ourselves, how we feel, what we are doing or going to do, the room we are in?  Are we aware of anything else in that moment or is it mainly only ourselves? If awareness is our … Read More…

The Downward and Upward Spiral


If the world is in a downward spiral are you content to be one of the people in it? Are you constantly looking at your life and seeing what is wrong with it?  Are you constantly trying to ‘fix’ you life or imagining when and how your life would/could be better?  Better than what?  What can’t you accept that is in your life RIGHT NOW.  Is the basis behind what you are thinking – I will be happy when my finances, relationship, job, home life, isn’t the way it is right now? If this is what you are thinking, you … Read More…

Come Into A State Of Relaxation

camelia petal carpet at JH

If there is tension in the body, there is tension in the mind.  If there is tension in the mind then the heart is closed.  When the heart is closed, then there is not a connection to Spirit. Thinking constantly we mentally feel compressed, compacted and bound and if it continues, we feel overwhelmed.  But if we are able to bring our body into a state of relaxation, perhaps through conscious breathing, then our mind begins to be more spacious, quiet and a gentle awareness increases. I wrote the above sentences on Monday and on Monday night Master Robyn said … Read More…

AWARENESS is the first sign of Spiritual Awakening.

Three important things to notice:  Distraction, Avoidance, Resistance. To increase your level of awareness, You must practice noticing. You have To be present and mindful to Notice something…. (from How to Move Forward) 1. DISTRACTION. What is it we look for to avoid seeing what needs to be done. What we turn to, to avoid having to be present. Ask yourself. “What don’t I like doing?” “What are my preferences, my likes and dislikes and why?  2. AVOIDANCE. Not wanting to be where we are at the moment. Not wanting to be present. Ask yourself: “What am I avoiding? “What … Read More…