AWARENESS is the first sign of Spiritual Awakening.

Pink RoseThree important things to notice:  Distraction, Avoidance, Resistance.
To increase your level of awareness,
You must practice noticing. You have
To be present and mindful to
Notice something…. (from How to Move Forward)
1. DISTRACTION. What is it we look for to avoid seeing what needs to be done. What we turn to, to avoid having to be present.
Ask yourself. “What don’t I like doing?”
“What are my preferences, my likes and dislikes and why?
 2. AVOIDANCE. Not wanting to be where we are at the moment. Not wanting to be present.
Ask yourself: “What am I avoiding?
“What don’t I want to see?”
“Why am I judging?”
 3. RESISTANCE. Refusing to accept what is in your life at the moment. Refusing to accept the people in your life or the situation. Notice the energy spent doing so.
Ask yourself: “Why cannot I accept my life just as it is?”
“Why do I want to change it?”
“How do I change it or bring better things into my life?”
“What do I want?”
“What do I feel I lack?”
“What am I trying to fix and why?”
Sit down with a pen and paper and write your answers and then open your mind to other perspectives:
1. If you believe in the Law of Attraction, ask yourself “How did I attract this into my life.?
2. “If there is good in everything, what is the ‘good’ reason that this is in my life?
3. “What can I learn from it?”
4. “What ideas can I release so as not to attract it into my life again.”
Everything that comes into your life can help you grow spiritually.
TIP: Read the chapter on Awareness in my book How to Move Forward, Leave your Thoughts Behind.’
To purchase the book email: [email protected].

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