Easter is a time of renewal, rebirth and new life, so take this time to set intentions and invigorate your direction in life. Notice when you fail to find time to meditate, notice if you are trying to fit your spiritual disciplines into your life instead of fitting your life into your spiritual disciplines. Notice when you have ceased practicing or using some of your tools that were so important to you when you learnt them but now lie forgotten in your memory.
I would like to share with you a recent time when I forgot to use important tools and what happened as a result.
I was giving a talk on at Earth, Body and Soul in Nabiac one Saturday. Spirit told me before I left home to remember ‘that I do nothing – they will speak through me.’ All I had to do was to turn up they said. So as there was no need to prepare anything, I simply turned up and dedicated the talk and let the topics drop into mind. Which as it turned out worked very well!
During the afternoon I chose several people to come out to the front, one at a time, to help them, as I could see what was troubling them, and to release their thoughtforms. This release brought them a lot of comfort. This was simply part of the afternoon – not a formal healing session as such – I didn’t remember to (1) Ask the Angels to do the healing and say the magic words which are “only energies that are Divine, Energies for the highest good, Energies that acknowledge Christ Consciousness are welcome in my body. I didn’t even remember to clear my energies at end of the afternoon.
I was on a high when I got home. However on Sunday morning something had changed in my body. My energy was so low, depleted, I felt like a wrung-out piece of cloth. That night I went to bed early and would you believe it, I slept 14 hours. On the Monday my husband cancelled an appointment for me. I wasn’t aware of that as I simply slept on. When I got up it was noon! I felt exhausted and my legs were shaky.
Just to prove how loved and looked after we are, a friend who does Divine Healing Hands Blessings, rang me just then. I hadn’t heard from her for months but her timing was perfect. When I told her how I felt since the Saturday afternoon, she said as I hadn’t protected myself when I had cleared the people I had taken on their ‘thoughtforms’ or troubles.
These had got stuck in my head and were preventing the energy to flow into my body, hence I was getting weaker all the time. The grace of this was that she was able to give me a healing over the phone and cleared away the stuck energy and the flow resumed. I was better immediately.
There was an important message for me. Remember not to take on another’s energy and to clear yourself and the space after every session. REMEMBER ASK FOR HELP, YOU DO NOTHING.
A Lesson Learnt
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