Self Responsibility

Sometimes when you attend a workshop, even though you have been attending them for years, something awakens inside you.  There is a new insight or way of understanding things.  This happened to me at Trevor Wie’s workshop at Jacaranda Haven the 1st weekend in April.   During the workshop Trevor said, “watch what you are thinking because it goes into the Earth.  It goes into the Earth’s memory banks and there it lies for someone to connect to.”  I felt these words enter my heart and the seriousness of that statement.  If stressed, angry, or even depressed, these emotions and thoughts/words … Read More…

Have You Heard The Call?

If, as Mother Mary says, the Light must outweigh the Dark in 2017, it is up to each one of us to make a choice.  If we were to unite, collectively, around the world, we would make a huge Light.  Enough to change the consciousness of the planet.  Our first thought would be for the good of everyone and everything in the Universe.   We can begin by taking our power back from what we have been thinking about all the years.  Our self, our small self, is usually the subject. What we want the world around us to look like … Read More…