What Is Your Truth?

Golden RaysAfter reading my book, a lady rang for a phone session.  When I asked her in what way could I help, she said that 2015 had been such a financial struggle and since she worked for herself, how could it be improved?
As I checked her energy body I noticed a thought form that had become a belief. It was “I need to work harder or I will still be struggling in 2016.”  When I told her what I had seen, she gasped, because that was exactly what she had been thinking.  But she had not known, not only was it a thought, that it had become a belief and what we believe becomes our truth and therefore our reality.  She had sentenced herself to a year of struggle and hard work without realising it.
I was very grateful to Theta Healing because I was able to use what I had learnt to clear her beliefs and thought patterns over the phone. When we finished the clearing,  we filled her cells with Golden Light.  She felt free and de-lighted.
We were designed originally to live a life of ease and grace.  If life is a struggle the first place I would look to change, is my thoughts. 

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