A Message From A Father

Yellow Day Lily 2015

Recently a lady rang me.  She was very distressed as her father had only passed over in the last couple of days.  Between tears she asked, ‘has he got a message for me?.  I felt his loving energy around her, trying to comfort her and tell her how young and well he felt and so I told her he was here and I would ask him. His answer surprised me and I would like to share it with you.  I knew she needed to have a flower or an article that they had in common that she could use when … Read More…

Think Beautiful Thoughts

Archangel Jophiel

This message from Archangel Jophiel came through my friend John Levine in 2012 and I marvel at how timeless it is. “Think beautiful thoughts.  Ask yourself during the day if this thought is of the 3rd dimension or is it from the 5th?  Is this thought kind and full of love.  Keep in mind that thoughts that are negative keep you locked into the illusion.” So, don’t be locked in!  Keep your thoughts high and enjoy life! (John Levine is a composer of music that takes you into an alpha state – www.silenceofmusic.com.)

Spreading The Light


We have read and accepted the words as fact that we have come here from another world to help shift the consciousness of the planet, for the words rang true in our heart. This knowledge began our journey of Self-discovery.  We wanted to know who we were and our divine purpose for we felt that there was something more to life than what we were experiencing at present.  What we weren’t aware of was the distance we would have to travel on our journey.  It wasn’t a distance in miles, although we have been taken to many distant lands whilst … Read More…

Mum’s Wisdom

Rosemary & Hazel Rex

THE POWER OF LOVE – BY Hazel Rex, 1998. For some years I have worked with a pendulum, on plants and soil in the garden. The pendulum is used as a means of communication with the plants. A pendulum is made from a length of cord about 17 cm approximately with a small weight used on the end such as a clothes peg or button, crystal etc., to act like a carpenter’s plumb-bob. This little instrument connects with the electro-magnetic field of positive, negative and neutral energy. We all accept the fact that electricity exists in the air and that … Read More…

The Wonder Of It All!

In a moment of giving………we receive our Abundance In a moment of loving ………we release all anger and fear and experience love. In a moment of being ………we experience our True Nature which is purity and perfection. If we could give, love and be in every moment…..we would realize all Worries, negative emotions are just part of the great illusion. The Universe is an Act of Love. ……..Author Unknown.