Spreading The Light

lightWe have read and accepted the words as fact that we have come here from another world to help shift the consciousness of the planet, for the words rang true in our heart.
This knowledge began our journey of Self-discovery.  We wanted to know who we were and our divine purpose for we felt that there was something more to life than what we were experiencing at present.  What we weren’t aware of was the distance we would have to travel on our journey.  It wasn’t a distance in miles, although we have been taken to many distant lands whilst looking for ourselves, but we discovered it has been a journey of self awareness, a journey of letting go our thoughts and beliefs given to us through our heritage and customs and finally our emotions and pain that possibly karma has brought us.  Not to forget the feeling of ‘being right – judging and wanting things to be other than how they are and learning acceptance.  We had no idea that it would be a journey of a lifetime.
Having worked on ourselves for decades, possibly many lifetimes, we are now ready to spread the Light.  My memory of this outward movement is that Sai Baba taught us was to first of all Love yourself, Love your family and then your country and then the world.
It has taken time to recognize that we have been self-harming when we have been  judging ourselves, being critical in any way of our body and wishing life was different  has stopped us from accepting Love.  Now as we become acutely aware of our critical mind and simply observe it and let the thoughts go, we can move onto the next step which is to Love the family just the way they are, accepting them without criticism but that is not to say condoning their actions.
Spreading Light and Love at home isn’t always easy as your buttons will be pushed by lack of consideration from others, angry words leveled at you, unfair accusations and behaviour that is not fitting in your home.   So with all this going on,  how do you spread Light and Love and not go into reactions and shouting as loudly as members of your family do when angry.  It is so easy to be loving when you are in a mediation group or at a spiritual workshop but the members of your family seem to have no idea of how to be peaceful sometimes.
Take an ordinary day’s situation.  Most parents work these days.  So maybe there are small children to be collected from daycare or school,  some food to be purchased on the way home and meals to be prepared and eaten,  children to be bathed, homework to be supervised, clothes to be sorted for the next day.  All this requires a lot of organization for things to run smoothly but very often that is not the case.  What if someone is sick, or  one of the parents have to work back, the children are fighting and not being helpful, how does the Lightworker spread Light and Love in this situation which by all accounts is a fairly normal one.
he first thing to ask yourself – Is your home Heaven or that other place?  If it is that other place, what can you do to make it a haven for you all?  You are the Lightworker here on the planet to make a difference and at the moment your home is where the difference is needed.  This maybe your first challenge – to establish peace and harmony.

  1. Notice  how you feel.  Has the situation pushed your buttons?  Do you feel put upon and have you gone into being the victim if so make sure that you have let go the ‘poor me feeling.’
  2. Pause, take a deep breath. Breathe slowly and deliberately, filling you abdomen with air and on the outbreath let go any negative feelings before you bring the children to order. 
  3. Speak quietly but firmly if needed.  Look into the children’s eyes when speaking or correcting them.  Never shout from another room and expect them to obey. 
  4. Put some relaxing music on and if you have an energy spray, spray the room and watch it change your thoughts and how you feel.
  5. If you come home first, welcome your partner home with a smile and tell him/her how nice it is to see them.  Make sure they haven’t walked into chaos.
  6. If your partner has had a stressful day and is angry and you feel reactive, make sure you speak in tone that is lower than his/hers.   This serves to wake-up and partner and doesn’t add to the situation.
  7. If there has been an argument and a lot of words have been said, they need to be cleared by incense or a spray, or ask the Angels to transmute them.  Remember to clear them away before you go to bed or to work so they are not hanging on the ceiling to be picked up when you next arrive home.
  8. Keep a small area in your home, even a small table will do, where you go to meditate, pray or ask the angels for help.  This is you own space where you can cannot to ‘home’.
  9. By remember these tips you can make your home a Haven.
  10. You are indeed making the world a better place.
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