Mum’s Wisdom

Rosemary & Hazel RexTHE POWER OF LOVE – BY Hazel Rex, 1998.
For some years I have worked with a pendulum, on plants and soil in the garden. The pendulum is used as a means of communication with the plants. A pendulum is made from a length of cord about 17 cm approximately with a small weight used on the end such as a clothes peg or button, crystal etc., to act like a carpenter’s plumb-bob. This little instrument connects with the electro-magnetic field of positive, negative and neutral energy. We all accept the fact that electricity exists in the air and that we cannot see it, touch or smell it, yet we know it is there because science has harnessed it to be used in the dimension in which we live. Because everything on this planet is connected, human, animal and plant life, the same electro-magnetic force vibrates through everything so the pendulum reacts with the force passing from my body through the pendulum to the plant. The result is either positive, for me that is a circle, or negative, a swing backwards and forwards, or neutral where it remains perfectly still. With human beings there is male energy and female energy and the sex of a baby in the womb shows up with a pendulum but I have never thought of being able to pass energy from one human being to another simply by giving a hug as an expression of Love until I witnessed the following incident.
My son and his son paid a very welcome visit one Saturday after a long day’s work. My grandson is interested in the pendulum so he asked me to demonstrate. I placed the pendulum over his palm and as I watched the strong movement, I made the comment “your energy level is high”. Luke, my grandson said, “put it over Dad’s hand”.
I had remarked to my son when he arrived. “You look tired son”, to which he answered. “Yes, I am. It has been a hard day”. So, I put the pendulum over my son’s hand and the response was a very poor swing which indicated his energy level was low. His comment when he saw the pendulum hardly moving was, “Look, I’m half dead”. Luke then went over to his father, put his arms around him and said, “Never mind Dad, I love you” and gave him a big hug. The energy around us then was such that I took my son’s hand again without knowing why and placed the pendulum over it and there was proof of the Power of Love. The pendulum moved back and forth with a lot more vitality.
In all my years working with the pendulum with plants, giving love to them when the pendulum showed me they needed it, I had never thought of working with human beings. What a wonderful lesson in a few short minutes. A hug given with Love can transfer energy.
P.S. I had an opportunity soon after to put my new knowledge into practice. Whilst shopping in an unfamiliar shopping centre, I needed assistance to find a certain shoe shop. Not only did the lady I asked give me directions, but she insisted taking me there herself. When we arrived at the shop, I turned to the lady and wished her a lovely day and then I consciously put my hand on her forearm and told her she was an angel but that she didn’t realise it. She looked at me with her blue eyes smiling and she went on her way. I knew when I touched her I was able to pass on to her the same love I had seen Luke give his father. I really sent love to her for helping me and she went on her way all smiles.
I would like to acknowledge my gratitude to the Environmental Angel who works with me constantly in the garden.
FOOTNOTE:  Hazel Rex was my Mother and first spiritual teacher.  How fortunate was I to have such a Mother!

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