Are You Sentencing Yourself?

angel in garden

I channelled Master Korton for one of my clients recently.  In listening back I found this piece very interesting. Master Korton said: “What is a sentence?  A judge passes a sentence and a man is sentenced to 10 years imprisonment.  You speak sentences all day.  Are your sentences imprisoning yourself? “ Sentences create our reality.  Listen to what you are thinking and saying and see what sentences you are passing.  How many times do you say in a week “I can’t afford that…..I cannot do that……etc.,”


“Be aware of the changes taking place now, in the world and in your body.  Some actions or situations have a very deep downward spiral.  Be aware that we live in a world of duality and there is always the opposite effect. This means there is a positive upward spiral of light of equal force an intensity to the downward spiral. So observe these spirals and realise you have a choice.  Do you want to be caught up in all the negativity of the downward spiral or choose to connect to the upward spiral of light?  This upward spiralling creates … Read More…