How To Stop Your Thinking Easily


Many people have trouble in finding the 20 or 30 minutes each day to meditate.  If you are one of these, here is a tip that will keep you connected to your intuition and to your guides. Realising that it is only the constant chatter in your mind that keeps you disconnected, try giving your mind a deliberate focus and one of the easiest ones I know is to focus on your breathing. Stop whatever you are doing and stand or sit still.  Turn your attention onto your breathing.  Take an inward breath as you count up to 6, then … Read More…

Rosemary’s Homework

Rosemary had set me some homework and I had two weeks to accomplish it. There was only one task. It sounded simple enough, and that was to – Live in the now.  I am a very determined person when I want to be and this, I thought, couldn’t be too difficult, all I had to do was put my mind to it.  The first day I was very keen and I gave myself some tools to help me achieve the desired outcome. They were as follows:-   Correcting my posture. Standing tall, head held high makes a difference to how … Read More…