I am talking of a period about 900,000 years ago. I have strong recollections of having landed here, in this world after the spaceship was shot down and we escaped in little scout ships.
My first recollection is feeling pain in my chest as I tried to breathe in this atmosphere. I am not seeing shapes clearly, as we normally do looking at the landscape around us. I am not seeing trees and rocks and definite shapes and forms. There is hardly any difference between the water and the sky. It is very blurry. I can only liken it to going deep down in the ocean and landing on the ocean floor. You are able to take steps and look around but nothing is clear because of the density of the water. This is what it is like looking at the landscape around me.
Everything around me has a new density. A new sound. New music. This is the best way I can explain it. I only think of everything as part of music. I do not know speech, as we know it today. I just hear everything in a musical way. So as I listen, I am hearing forms create sounds that are new to me. Even what we would call rock, I am listening to the sound of this rock and its music are new notes that I have never heard before. In my body, it is very discordant. It doesn’t seem to apply to the laws of harmonics. It seems to be a discord. It is this discord that causes a vibration in my Being that hurts and jars.This sound that I am seeing, as I try to adjust my frequency to it, is not natural to my Being. In today’s terms I would say, “I don’t like it” but I am not familiar with those words. We don’t seem to have a preference of likes and dislikes; this is also foreign to me. It is just the realization that I need to adjust something in my Being so I can tolerate this new frequency of this world.
John: So it could be that where you have come from does not have the polarity of white and black, right or wrong, in other words ‘opposites’.
There is nothing in my term of reference in my mind to say that ‘I do not like this’. It is not an expression that I know.
John: There is probably no ego. It is probably part of a group consciousness or soul group – yes?
I would not have expressed it quite like that. Because there is an individuality; a recognition that you are part of a family that means you would not do anything without reflecting its effect upon the whole family.
John: Do you feel this could have been the beginning of separation for human beings and the feeling of being separate from God? Separate from nature, from everything? Is this where the ‘I like. I don’t like came into being, where one began to think of oneself first?
Well from my understanding at this point, it is all inter-linked with music. If you are playing C major scale and you play the chord, CEGC – all is in harmony. From C to C any note in that chord is known. You only have to play one and you know the others because of the harmony. If you play a discord and if you go and break that and you play a note that is not in a C chord, you cannot get to the top note in the octave. There is no way home on that chord. That discord would have to go back to the original harmony.
So, what I feel happened here, as I feel myself trying to rearrange my structure, which I feel I gave permission to the Dinoids to rearrange it, my DNA in some way, so that I could try this harmonious note and be more comfortable with the resonance here. Because this was the music I could hear.
John: So you had to come into sympathetic resonance with the sounds and energies here or you could not have survived.
We spoke to the people, from Inner Earth, that we connected with and we exchanged in some way a knowing and asked how to we survive here for there were a lot of people dying. I call them people but they are not people in our term of reference.
John: A client who was here a few days ago said his 3rd eye was opened as a result of the sound work I did. He had very clear visions and I took him back to this period and he saw the Beings as being translucent. Is that what you are feeling?
Yes, we were translucent because we were in a higher frequency. It’s the music; it’s the sound. The sound produces the body of that particular frequency. So we needed to become more dense to survive and I feel that there was one that came amongst us, visited us, or found us, of a Reptoid or Dinoid (I think it was a Reptoid) or wished to help us. For he came in peace. I seem to remember being with him. I seem to remember asking about the music here, asking him to teach me this sound so that we too, may exist here for we saw this as a matter of necessity to survival but what we didn’t understand was that if our DNA was rearranged we would no longer have memory of the unity – for to be discordant was to be un-unified.
John: Can I ask you when the separation started?
We did not know that we would become separate at this time. We had never been discordant before, we didn’t know that we would lose the feeling of unity between one another. It was not only the feeling of not being able to get home that caused great despair, but the feeling of separation from each other and family as we allowed ourselves to be readjusted to this new frequency and we lost contact with each other. It was losing the feeling of being part of the whole. It would be like; it was like being without your legs or arms.
I feel in looking for that which we thought we had lost, whether it be a civilization, whether it was the feeling of connectedness to one another, we tried to reestablish it. So from that day we have been trying to establish a place that we could live in harmony and so Lemuria was the outcome of that and then Atlantis was the outcome of that. For every time the memory of who we are surfaces in our Being we create that harmony. And the memory of that creative harmony is a civilization of a different order.
At the end of the regression I said to John,
Sai Baba says this is the age when we will find connection to God through song. These words this morning are filling out in my Being and this huge connection with this lifetime 900,000 years ago and the understanding what took place after that landing is becoming very real. How the DNA was readjusted and I still emphasize with my full willingness, not knowing at the time that I would lose the connection to full unity, but so that I could survive.
John: This is a fascinating situation. Because you came here and referred to the Reptoid that taught you and wanted to know of the frequencies that you needed to know at that time. I was apparently that Reptoid and now here at this time now, in this age, you are asking me again to help you with the same this.
John: It is very beautiful.
Yes, you helped find a discordant note that helped me survive and now I am asking you to find the harmonious note so I can go home, back to Unity consciousness.
Valerie Barrow is an extraordinary woman. (See her website www.valeriebarrow.com). Amongst other things she is a very powerful past- life regressionist, so it is not surprising that I had an amazing experience when she regressed me and my husband John back in July, 1996.
However, it wasn’t until I read the transcript that Valerie had so lovingly typed, yesterday (17.3.2013) that I realized the full extent of what I had experienced as I relived it all once again.
John Butterworth (www.powerofthegong.com.au) plays a variety of exotic musical instruments and runs Back to Unity Consciousness through Sound evenings and Sacred Sound Healing Meditation Circles.