Change Your Thoughts

Change Your Thoughts

Nearly every morning when we wake up, our Lower Mind will tell us what is wrong with our life.  What we have to ‘fix’.  And so we go into our Left Hemisphere of our brain (Lower Mind) and search for ways to ‘repair’ our finances, relationships, work or health, little realising that it has been our thoughts that have created the situations and the Lower Mind is only giving us ways to create more of the same. To change our situations we must change our thoughts!!!  We need to be present and connect to the Right Hemisphere, the Higher Mind.  … Read More…

I Am Not My Mind

World view

To know what our true nature is, we must begin by experiencing and knowing what it is not.  We need to be able to discern, to evaluate whether the situation, or thing we want is for our highest good.  Remember whatever we believe to be true, is never questioned.  So a useful habit is to ask oneself  is this true? Particularly if we believe we are right. Every negative emotions feed the egoic (Lower) mind.  Imagine this, whenever the Lower mind gets ‘hungry’ it searches through our database (left hemisphere).  When it finds an old fear or anxiety and brings … Read More…