I am experiencing so many challenges at the moment and I was so uplifted to hear Nancy Valentine Smith talk at the Academy Of Light gathering recently where she said that many people are having challenges and there is good reason. It is a major step to Ascension. The shadow in our DNA, in the cells of our body will challenge for survival. After many years of work on ourselves, we have arrived at a place where our timeline (which may be hundreds of years long) must be cleared for us to ascend to the next level or dimension.
One of my strongest challenges is ‘sleep’. I have always felt that if I get a good night’s sleep, I can cope with anything. My mother taught me this. So this type of thinking brings anxiety with it, if I am late to bed or if I find it hard to get to sleep. Anxiety increases the difficulty of getting to sleep, so on occasion I haven’t been able to sleep at all. And so the cycle deepens its pathway in my brain.
And with increasing anxiety, I was having the occasional sleepless night. After such a night, when I went to bed the following night, I was armed with new knowledge and understanding following Nancy’s talk that I was being challenged by my shadow. So when I began worrying that I wasn’t going to sleep again, I knew nothing was going to happen to me if I didn’t sleep again and any anxiety began to melt away. This was just part of my ascension, purifying my body and I just lay there for a while, quite contented to be just present and focussing on my breathing. I fell into a deep sleep.
What do you want in life, Truth or Untruth for as Truth rises so does Untruth and only in stillness can one discern one from the other.
As the Light amplifies all that we are, not only our Light grows but so does our shadow (ego) which will always challenge us. By accepting what is we can grow and move forward.
When your shadow is challenging you practice noticing your reactions. Notice the feeling inside you. Notice that reactions are ALL ABOUT ME! All your thoughts will be about HOW EVERYING AFFECTS ME. The Lower Mind or Ego makes us the centre of the Universe. If makes us think of ourselves first and that the Ego is important.
At the point take charge of your mind. Simply notice what is going on and choose to change your thoughts. You could do thoughts of gratitude or bring in the powerful words.
Take a deep breath, breathe out and then focus on the task at hand. Imagine that the Light you are now coming through your body and flow down your arms and into your hands, into the task you are performing. Know in this moment now, you are bringing Heaven to Earth.