What Is The Quality Of Your Day?

SunflowerSTOP! LOOK AND LISTEN to what you are thinking.  Notice your posture.  Is your head bent with your eyes blank as you look down, are your shoulders drooping with the weight of what you have to do today?
As your body is directly related to your mind and thoughts, your body reflects what is going on in your head. How weighty are your thoughts?  Do you feel you have the troubles of the world on your shoulders?
Yes, there are problems and situations in your life, but in this moment now you have a choice whether to carry them in your mind or accept them, know they are there but also this present moment is here right now.
A moment when you can simply breathe in the breath of Life, be grateful for being alive and live according to your Divine Blueprint and that is to have an empty mind like a clear blue sky, with the sun shining brightly illuminating all the things you love. It could be the dog or cat, or flowers in your garden or the smile on a passer-by’s face.
It is an illusion to believe that if your problem goes away you will be happy. You can be happy right now.
It is your choice. Only you can improve the quality of your day. 

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