
Enlightenment is only a thought away. Is your thinking filled with Joy and Happiness  (Light) or is it filled with stress, concerns and anxiety (Dark)?  Become aware of what you are thinking on a daily basis and ask yourself is my mind full of Light or Dark?  Remembering the Dark is simply an Absence of Light, use your mind to bring in a Shower of Light and fill every cell of your body with Light.  When the mind and the body is filled with Light, is it not enlightened? Message from Mother Mary

A Realisation

Pegs on clothesline

I had just finished a phone reading for a client.  During the reading I had a remarkable understanding come to me.  I will endeavour to put it into words. I was sharing with my client a ‘present moment’ experience that I had when I was present hanging out the washing.  I told her that I heard a peg going into the cloth of the garment I was pegging.  I heard it clearly with no other thoughts going on in my head to separate me.  My realisation was now that I valued that moment.  It was precious to me.  Why?  I … Read More…

Christmas Is Special

Some 2000 years ago the Earth got an upgrade as a mass of Christ Consciousness was born into physicality.  Thank you Lord Jesus.  Thank you Mother Mary.  As there is no time or space just this present moment now, each Christmas we get a chance to link with this wonderful birth.  We get a chance to remember and acknowledge our own Divinity.  If we all did this, what a mass of Christ Consciousness there would be on Earth this Christmas Day…….Rose-of-Mary

Letting Go

I think this says what letting go is so well. Let us consider the possibility that any story which can be expressed right now, is simply of the past. The past, like that of the water in a river which has already moved on, has moved on. It does not exist anymore. The banks of the river may appear to be the same as before, yet as the river of life remains in a state of perpetual motion and cycle of renewing, it is constantly refreshing itself in every moment, giving birth to the new in the now!….. Shivalla Dharma … Read More…

Take Your Power Back

Another Message from Mary Take your power back from your thoughts.  Your thought only exists because you have given your consciousness to it.  Take it back and you will notice how much better, even younger you feel. I had the experience recently whilst driving that I was repeating a thought and realised it was draining my energy.  So I practised the exercise I had been given and on calling my power back I felt a wave of energy come back to me.  I felt energised and renewed and the thought was gone. Look at what you are thinking right now, and say: … Read More…

Shed Love & Light Everyday

Mother Mary is keeping close watch over us at this time.  Her latest message is:- You are here to shed Love and Light everyday in every situation.  To do this it requires you to release your attachment to how you feel and how you want your life to look.  Wow, that should keep us busy releasing thoughts.  I had better read my book again!