Wilpena Pound

Back in the early 1990’s I went with a group of people to Wilpena Pound and whilst at Wilpena Pound I experienced a shift. This shift allowed me to experience another dimension. I experienced being in a city of light where the buildings shone as glass does when reflecting light. The city seemed to be built out of crystal. Not a hard, dense clear quartz crystal, but a delicate fine glass, not unlike a fragile wine glass. To my perspective it seemed so delicate that it appeared very fragile. I seemed to be standing on the outskirts of the city … Read More…

What is the Point of it All?

I awoke tired, with a heavy heart and a feeling of ‘yet another day of toil’.  A question drifted through my mind as I lay there. “What is the point of it all?”. The still, small voice answered.  “Does a flower ask – what is the point to being a flower – to grow and die.  What is its point or reason for being.  It is to manifest the beauty of My Divine Nature, to bring this beauty into reality for all to enjoy.  The flower is an expression of Myself for All to know and experience Me in the … Read More…

The Wonder Of It All!

In a moment of giving………we receive our Abundance In a moment of loving ………we release all anger and fear and experience love. In a moment of being ………we experience our True Nature which is purity and perfection. If we could give, love and be in every moment…..we would realize all Worries, negative emotions are just part of the great illusion. The Universe is an Act of Love. ……..Author Unknown.